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Our Pets Need a Little Help to Stay Healthy




Just like humans, our beloved animals also suffer from the same conditions as we do.  They too have to live in the heavily polluted environment and eat highly processed foods.  Their bodys also need natural supplements to stay in top condition.   

We all love our furry friends, and why wouldn’t you want them to have the best of health throughout their lives.  Just like humans, animals require that little bit extra to enhance their health and well being.



Animal B9 is an exclusive, concentrated, organic based feed supplement with the full spectrum of bioavailabile vitamins and minerals.  Animal B9 contains certified organic minerals with 24 botanical extracts and enzymes, amino acids and extra calcium, magnesium and silica.  The key core ingredient is VolcaMin that has had amazing healing effects for over a decade in Europe.



Research and testimonials show that this product may be useful for:


De-toxifying heavy metals and other toxins

Joint, Hoof and Claw health

Shinier and Stronger Coat

Digestive Difficulties

Infections and Worms

Electrolyte Balance

Mental Alertness and Calming




Diatomaceous Earth can be used both internally to prevent internal parasites, improve intestine help and boosts immune defence.  It can also be used externally, by rubbing it into the coat.  This provides protection from fleas and ticks, along with many other benefits for our four legged friends.


Micronized Zeolite is amazing at removing heavy metals that are stored in both human and animals bodys.  The Zeolite powder absorbs the toxins and heavy metals and then transports them out of the body.  Amazing benefits for our beloved pets.









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